Autumn Journal 2023

There’s something around the corner and here’s why…

As I write, it’s very late at night, the sun has hidden behind the moving horizon and it’s peaceful in the carriage. I’m doing another train trip, currently on my way home after a few days on site in Lincoln and I’d like to share what’s coming up for my business. It’s been a wonderful Autumn, lots of walks at sunset and moon rise, and a wander around my old neighbourhood where Chestnut Interiors began, on Chestnut Close. You can read my very first blog about how the business started, a later addition of how I’ve grown my business and an update that came after one year full time self-employed. 

1 - Baby steps of giant leaps?

2 - Chestnut Interiors is Three Years Old: How I started my interior design business

3 - One Year On: A Personal Reflection

There’s been so much change, and it’s really paying off. I recently received a great compliment; @lets_raisetheroof, who follows my account on Instagram, messaged to ask if I’d written a blog on creating a media wall. I haven’t (yet) but I smile at the thought of this request. Whilst a simple message asking for help this showed me something I hadn’t recognised before, people are checking out if I’ve written a blog when in need of help. This has always been my intention for the blog, a place to provide free, always there help, but I don’t typically know if it’s hitting the spot. I now know that renovators are turning to MY blog as a place for support and inspiration, this feels amazing, fuelling my motivation to write more frequently. I'm rarely short of words and have a long list of topics that capture my creative writing urges so stay with me and there will be more.

I’ve had a number of realisations since my last newsletter, and they’re all leading me to follow an intuition. In addition to the above I’ve had a handful of messages from ladies who’ve listened to my podcast interview on Interior Design Business Podcast,  I’ve received an invitation to be interviewed on another great podcast, and an email from lovely Olga (who sources super antiques), expressing how she enjoys seeing my stories on social media and how this engagement strengthens our connection. Oh how this is important to me, I posted recently that I fly solo from Chestnut HQ which means it’s me writing the blogs, social posts and newsletters. I value authenticity and wouldn’t want my notes to you (however you get them) to start sounding like someone else. I applaud and admire that quality in small businesses I follow, it’s just something I value, so whilst it’s a challenge to spin all the plates it’s one I pride myself in too. 

Back to connection, I’ve always held the belief of connection over numerics with my social media platform, no tricks or paying for followers (who needs a free hoover anyway, well me actually a robot one would be good as I’m quite short on time for domestics). Instead much preferring genuine support, and that I certainly have. A heartfelt thank you for subscribing, following, liking, commenting, chatting in messages and simply hanging around. It’s awesome. 

The point I’m getting to with these recent moments of gratitude is that I’ve decided I’m bringing more support, sharing more experience and parting with more knowledge because I appreciate you being part of my passion and we have at least one thing in common; we adore a beautifully designed home. As a newsletter reader you’re the first to know, because I’m quite apprehensive, but as I’m rarely short of something to say and you’re giving me the confidence boost, I will be recording the Renovation Room podcast, ready to accompany you on a walk, whilst making tea or driving to work, it’ll there for your enjoyment early in 2024. Episodes will go into the chronology of our current renovation of Alpine, provide key takeaways on the many elements of a project so that you can make more informed decisions, and offer up the pep talk and the real talk you need when you’re knee deep in decisions and dust. Never one to turn down an opportunity to chat to friends, so there’s plans to interview other designers and renovators, there will of course be some general renovation related storytelling too. 

I’ve also decided, as you seem to cheer me on, that I’ll start sharing journals, such as this, of behind the scenes of Chestnut Interiors and how projects be it my own, clients or of course how business ideas all come to fruition. This entry being the first one I’ll post, so it’s there later down the line for a curious reader who wonders about the ambitious person behind the business. It’s me, and I’m so glad we have that thing in common…let’s find out if there’s more. 

Next time I’ll be sharing some key additions to my business systems, technology, supplier relationships and of course the progress I’ve made with the course and podcast! 

Thank you for being here,



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